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The term Pasteurization, as applied to market milk today, refers to the process of hitting every particle of milk to at least 72 C for 15 seconds in approved & properly operated equipment. After Pasteurization, the milk is immediately cooled to 5 C or below.
  • To render milk safe for human consumption  by destruction of cent percent pathogenic micro-organisms
  • To improve the keeping quality of milk by destruction of almost all spoilage organisms [ 85 to 99 % ].
Homogenized Milk is milk which has been treated in such a manner as to ensure break up of the fat globules to such an extent through homogenizer that after 48 hours quiescent storage no visible cream separation occurs on the milk & the fat % of the milk in the top 100 ml of milk in a quarter bottle, or of proportionate volumes in containers of other sizes, does not differ by more than 10% of itself from the fat percentage of the remaining milk as determined after through mixing. [ In efficiently Homogenized milk, the fat globules are sub divided to 2 microns or less in diameter.
  • More palatable due perhaps to brighter appearance, heavier body and richer flovour
  • Produces soft curd and is better digested; hence recommended for infant feeding
  • Less susceptible to oxidized flovour development
  • Fat in Milk does not churn due to rough handling or excessive agitation
  • Better adopted for bulk dispensing; mixing not necessary

This refers to milk by prepared by dispersing whole milk powder [WMP] or skim milk powder [SMP] in water approximately in the proportion of one part powder to 7 to 8 parts water.

This refers to the product obtained when butter oil/ white butter/fresh cream, Skim Milk Powder & water are combined in the correct proportions to yield fluid milk.

This refers to the milk obtained by the addition of skim milk powder & water to whole milk .Under PFA rules, Toned milk should contain a minimum of 3.0 % fat & 8.5% solids not fat throughout the country.

This refers to the milk obtained by the addition of skim milk powder & water to whole milk .Under PFA rules, Double Toned milk should contain a minimum of 1.5 % fat & 9.0% solids not fat throughout the country.

Because our milk is Homogenized & as a result there is no cream separation or cream layer on the top of the milk even after boiling, moreover we mix Vitamin A with our Milk to prevent Night Blindness which is a fat soluble Vitamin. If there is any skin formation on the milk during boiling then there is a chance of loss of Vitamins.

It depends on the way of preparation of chana from Mother Dairy Milk. Best quality chana could be yield by boiling the milk first & then add 1% citric acid [ Lime Juice], or white vinegar in the milk & stir it slowly till the clear water has been separated from the chana. Cool it & stain it.

You may note down your complain/suggestions on the suggestion book kept in our Outlets or you may contact with us through Phone, Fax  or Email.

For Dairy Visit at Dankuni you may contact with our In-charge consumer education center over phone or write a letter to him for necessary arrangements.

No, Mother Dairy Milk is prepared only from fresh natural milk [ Cow, Buffalo], Skim Milk Powder, White Butter. Moreover our Milk has been fortified with Vitamin A to prevent Night Blindness.

The International Organization for Standardisation [ ISO ] is a world wide federation of national standard bodies from some130 countries. ISO is a non governmental organisation established in 1947. The mission of ISO :
  • Promote Standarasation
  • To facilitate the international exchange of goods & services
  • To developing co-operation in the spheres of intellectual, scientific, technological & economic activity.

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point [ HACCP]