What is Pasteurization ?
- To render milk safe for human consumption by destruction of cent percent pathogenic micro-organisms
- To improve the keeping quality of milk by destruction of almost all spoilage organisms [ 85 to 99 % ].
What is Homogenized Milk ?
- More palatable due perhaps to brighter appearance, heavier body and richer flovour
- Produces soft curd and is better digested; hence recommended for infant feeding
- Less susceptible to oxidized flovour development
- Fat in Milk does not churn due to rough handling or excessive agitation
- Better adopted for bulk dispensing; mixing not necessary
What is Reconstituted Milk ?
This refers to milk by prepared by dispersing whole milk powder [WMP] or skim milk powder [SMP] in water approximately in the proportion of one part powder to 7 to 8 parts water.
What is Recombined Milk ?
This refers to the product obtained when butter oil/ white butter/fresh cream, Skim Milk Powder & water are combined in the correct proportions to yield fluid milk.
What is Toned Milk ?
This refers to the milk obtained by the addition of skim milk powder & water to whole milk .Under PFA rules, Toned milk should contain a minimum of 3.0 % fat & 8.5% solids not fat throughout the country.
What is Double Toned Milk ?
This refers to the milk obtained by the addition of skim milk powder & water to whole milk .Under PFA rules, Double Toned milk should contain a minimum of 1.5 % fat & 9.0% solids not fat throughout the country.
Why there is no Skin Formation on the top of the Mother Dairy Milk after Boiling ?
Because our milk is Homogenized & as a result there is no cream separation or cream layer on the top of the milk even after boiling, moreover we mix Vitamin A with our Milk to prevent Night Blindness which is a fat soluble Vitamin. If there is any skin formation on the milk during boiling then there is a chance of loss of Vitamins.
Why the quantity of Chana varies time to time ?
It depends on the way of preparation of chana from Mother Dairy Milk. Best quality chana could be yield by boiling the milk first & then add 1% citric acid [ Lime Juice], or white vinegar in the milk & stir it slowly till the clear water has been separated from the chana. Cool it & stain it.
How shall I note a Complain/Suggestion about Mother Dairy Milk & Milk Product.
You may note down your complain/suggestions on the suggestion book kept in our Outlets or you may contact with us through Phone, Fax or Email.
How shall I visit Mother Dairy Plant.
For Dairy Visit at Dankuni you may contact with our In-charge consumer education center over phone or write a letter to him for necessary arrangements.
Is Mother Dairy Milk is prepared from SOYA BIN.
No, Mother Dairy Milk is prepared only from fresh natural milk [ Cow, Buffalo], Skim Milk Powder, White Butter. Moreover our Milk has been fortified with Vitamin A to prevent Night Blindness.
What is ISO
- Promote Standarasation
- To facilitate the international exchange of goods & services
- To developing co-operation in the spheres of intellectual, scientific, technological & economic activity.
What is HACCP
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point [ HACCP]